Part 1: the NyONE imaging system by SYNENTEC

I was asked by a customer recently what instruments I would have in my dream Cell Line Development laboratory. What a fun yet ponderous question to consider! Luckily I’ve spent enough time planning out my dream kitchen to know how to go about this – and that is in parts. In this series I will choose and discuss the first instruments that come to mind when I picture my dream CLD lab – stay tuned for subsequent additions as well as areas for you to add your own thoughts!

First on my list, a robust and top-of-the-line microscope/imager. A vast majority of my time in a research laboratory was spent looking through a microscope and capturing MANY images of what I observed – so unsurprisingly this is the pinnacle of my dream lab (in keeping with my kitchen analogy, my built-in double ovens!). What are the most important features to consider when selecting your ideal microscope?

Below are my top considerations and why:


Among the ever-advancing technologies available to researchers, the option to automate various aspects of your workflow is becoming extremely popular due to the incredible time savings it allows. And if there is one thing researchers need more of, it’s time! I would be looking for an imager that is fully automated.


I need an imager that can produce publication-worthy images and accurate analyses. High resolution and powerful optics are an absolute must, as well as fluorescent channels, as this is such a dynamic tool in research.


After collecting my multitude of images, I used to count my cells manually. Yes, manually. My dream imager will do this for me! As well as anything else I need it to including cell viability analysis, disqualifying cells that do not meet my criteria, confluence measurements, etc.


As exciting as getting a new piece of laboratory equipment is, the instrument is only as good as the user. I’ll need this imager to come with full support not only at the time of installation, but whenever I need help! Whether it is a technical fault or learning a new application, knowing I will have support when I need it will give me peace of mind.

Fulfilling this wishlist is the NyONE imaging system from SYNENTEC. All operating procedures are fully automated and can be easily linked into automated environments (spoiler alert – look for my automation platform of choice in future parts to this series!). Despite its small footprint, the NyONE is extremely powerful with 3 different lenses, achieving resolutions down to 360 nm/pixel, 3-4 excitation sources (UV to RED) and up to 6 different emission filters.

Does your lab require compliance with the 21 CFR part 11 regulations? YT AUDIT software is now an option to meet these validation requirements, strengthening this imaging system even further. What I find to be the most significant feature of this imager is the versatility. The optics in combination with SYNENTEC’s YT Software allow for an extensive range of cellular assays and analyses. Capabilities including: cell viability, suspension cell count, FASC seeding control, transfection efficiency, viral plaque assay, apoptosis monitoring, rare cell analysis, the list goes on (literally!). SYNENTEC continue to design and develop new applications in line with the specific needs of researchers. And if anything should go awry with my imager, SYNENTEC are but a Zoom call away.

Did you know that BPES also offer UK-wide support? With training and technical assistance available locally, I’ll be supported throughout the life of my NyONE – and my dream lab is not in fear of disrepair.

Be on the lookout for the next item on my dream CLD lab wish list… my automation platform.

Contact the experts (that’s me!) – please contact me at for more information about the content of this article.

Article by:
Ellen Harrington
Technical Sales Specialist


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