Fully integrated SYBOT 1000 including Cellavista4 and Cytomat 2C-LiN incubator
Tailored to the requirements of customers, SYNENTEC have developed SYBOT 1000, a plate handler that is compatible and specially adapted with SYNENTEC’s imaging systems CELLAVISTA and NYONE, and can include the Cytomat 2C-LiN incubator, all integrated into YT-software.
Due to the increasing throughput requirements in research, SYBOT 1000 has a short handling time of 30 seconds per plate movement into or out of our imaging systems. All applications from our portfolio can be automated with SYBOT 1000.
- Reliable handling
- Safe gripping
- Remotely controlled by YT-Software
- Automatic plate transfer
- LIFO-stacks (Ambient)
SYNENTEC’s team of engineers, software developers and biologists have combined their knowledge to develop automated, high throughput cell culture microscopes and fast, easy to use image analysis software. They continuously develop and perfect the imaging systems and work with customers to create bespoke applications to meet their individual cell imaging and analysis needs.