Nanofiber solutions provide complex structures to create true 3D cell culture surfaces. Their range of electrospun fibre multi-well plates are perfect for high-throughput cell culture, cancer research, stem cell, and regenerative medicine.

Nanofiber Solutions™ fiber products are patent-pending electrospun fiber multiwell plates for high-throughput cell culture, cancer research, stem cell, and regenerative medicine. This novel technology uses aligned (NanoAligned™) or randomly oriented (NanoECM™ ) polymer nanofibers integrated into standard multi-well cell culture dishes and it can be easily scaled up for larger bioreactor systems.

The standard products use either aligned or randomly oriented polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers depending on your needs. However, they can also produce these same physical structures using a variety of degradable or non-degradable polymers designed to meet your unique needs. All products are surface plasma treated, sterilised and ready to use upon arrival and can be stored in ambient conditions indefinitely. Custom manufactured scaffolds for large bioreactors and in vivo tissue engineering applications are also available.


Ellen Harrington
Technical Sales Specialist