Rounding up an eventful, yet successful year with a festive message from Tom…

“Quite a year!

Like everyone else at the beginning of the year, we were hoping the pandemic was behind us – and thank goodness, to a large extent, that has been the case. However, this was almost immediately replaced by the Ukraine crisis. I cannot begin to imagine the suffering that has taken place (and is still taking place), and my thoughts are absolutely with the Ukrainian people.

To be completely frank, it puts the supply issues we have faced this year, as a result of the conflict, into stark perspective. The UK has also seen unprecedented political turmoil, further making business difficult, particularly with wild currency fluctuations at times, and of course BREXIT is still far from ‘done’.

Against this backdrop, I am so grateful to our amazing BPES team who have done an exceptional job this year. The BPES team has grown and we look forward to making further exciting announcements in the New Year!

A huge thank you to our wonderful customers for their support and understanding when we haven’t always been able to respond as quickly as we would have liked.

Lastly, I would like to say that our key suppliers this year have been incredible – often faced with the almost impossible task of managing supply chains and delays that are completely outside of their control. They have invested heavily in increased stock capacity at a time when raw material costs have spiralled.

I am an optimistic person and I am excited for the future. I feel very lucky to be in the position we are serving the market we do. However, after such a tumultuous year, I am really looking forward to some downtime over the festive period.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and very best wishes for 2023!”

Please note that BPES will be closed from Thursday 22 December until Tuesday 3 January 2022 for the festive period.